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How does Juice Work?

Juice functions are available using an icon, tab or button to access that function. Visibility and access to these links vary by system role and deployment.

How do I navigate?

The Navigation Menu is located at the top of the screen and will be the main tool used to navigate Juice. The different links and icons shown here will vary by user; some profiles will have access to fewer parts of the system.


Juice will ask for your login and password. Web browsers can store passwords, however it's recommended to avoid using this functionality.


When using some tools, the top menu is reduced for simplified navigation. In these reduced menus less options are visible, or only the icon is displayed. For customer account search the accounts icon may be used.


Reports will be available through out the system and will be available to different users based of security level and role.

CSR/Vendor Balance

At the end of every shift, cashiers normally count down their drawer and go home. Using this icon, head cashiers or store managers can see at a glance how much they have collected and cash out for the day.


Juice special functions will be grouped under a single icon, Cogs. It can be a simple interface for cashiers or full of options for Engineering. More on this later.


Normally used by management, but under development for a wider release, the dashboard gives you summary views of transactions, payments, reads, and many other important concepts. Currently useful for technical, commercial, and financial overviews.

Set Language

Juice is a multi-lingual platform supporting staff translated Spanish, French, and Portuguese. Google translate is used for other language support. Decimal comma (European) and decimal point (American/English) number formatting is currently supported. This icon will only be available if the system supports multiple languages.


Juice supports a wide variety of documents; we store them by system user. That means if juice generates a document for you, the system user, it can be found by you in your personal Doc folder. Customers are also treated like system users in many ways.

Log out

Since juice can be used at any workstation, you should log out whenever going on break, lunch, or leaving your machine for an extended period of time. We make this functionality available with just a single click.