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Deposit Tab: Overview

Some utilities may require customers to pay a deposit for a variety of reasons. Deposits may have an interest applied, Juice will track this rate once configured. This is a separate group of funds from the wallet and will have different accounting.

Deposit Tab: Overview

Overview if the default view for Deposit. Deposits are normally required for post paid service, but can be added to a prepaid customer's account. Unlike the Wallet, these funds will not be used for payments. These funds also do not belong to the utility; therefore Juice has logic to add interest to the Deposit.

Deposit Tab: Fund

Fund will add money to the Account Deposit. Notice the Receipt is unchecked automatically, please select if the customer would like a receipt. Keep in mind funds collect by cashier must be reported and turned at the end of the shift as normal.

Deposit Tab: Move

Move will transfer the funds to the wallet. From the wallet the customer can used these funds like normal and the utility will no longer be charged interest for the deposit.

Deposit Tab: Wizard

Since the Deposit is usually done while on boarding, 'Wizard' links to the New Account Wizard. The process may vary but a common scenario:

  1. Customer applies for service, Account is created and a Deposit is charged.
  2. Customer agrees to service, cashier goes to Account in Juice and clicks the Deposit tab.
  3. The cashier clicks on Fund and collects payment.
  4. Location is marked as activated and/or meter installed
  5. Wizard is clicked to return to the New Account Wizard and assign the location