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Disconnection Cycle

To better manage customers and to facilitate the collection process, Juice has a customizable disconnection schedule with clearly defined logic to ensure a hassle-free prepaid experience for customers and the utility.

Prepaid vs Postpaid Disconnects

Juice supports both customer types but is designed with prepaid customers in mind. Some functionality is implicit, such as disconnections and reconnections.

Prepaid STS
Since power is purchased with tokens, once the power runs out, the power turns off (meter disconnects itself). When a new token is purchased the meter is reconnected without a fee or delay.

Prepaid AMI/AMR
A customer has a balance in the wallet, reads come in and power is purchased from the wallet. Once the wallet runs out, power is cut off. This is done as an automatic batch process in most locations. If/when the customer adds funds to the wallet; these funds can be used to reconnect the customer (as long as the amount paid is greater than the amount of the last read).

Postpaid Electromechanical/AMI/AMR
Customers have to be disconnected 'manually'. For smart meters with disconnects, this can be done as a batch process thru Juice. For non smart meters or smart meters without a disconnect, they have to be disconnected in person.

Note: STS is a technology designed for prepaid, it is not recommended to use these meters with postpaid logic.

Disconnect Cycle

Juice constantly monitors customer information to validate reads, detect fraud, and manage customer consumption. When customers have less than three days worth of power remaining, Juice will send them a reminder message. Juice will also send a reminder message the day before the run out of funds and the day they will be disconnected.

These messages will go out to the SMS number the customer has on file and the secondary number if available. If the customer does not add funds to their account, they will be disconnected midday. Once the customer adds funds to the account Juice will trigger a reconnection. The meter will be reconnected as soon as communications to the meter allow (once the token is entered for STS or once the AMI system sends the connection command to the meter).