Unlike postpaid systems, where invoices are issued after usage has taken place, prepayment requires we know the tariff ahead of time. By definition, STS prepayment converts money into kWh units when generating a token. It will be critical to have the tariff configured correctly. Since tariff structures vary from country to country we have made them highly configurable.
A tariff is a set of charges for a service. It is the core of how a customer is billed or charged for services. Juice can handle multiple services: power (kWh), water (various units), gas (various units); essentially anything that can be metered and sold in units. Tariffs are attached to a meter. There are two basic tariff types, and some variations of those types are possible. Tariffs are categorized by the service, such as electricity or water, and tier. Initial tariff configuration is complex and is best configured by UtiliFlex. Once configured, values can easily be edited by the utility.
Every installation must have a tariff to be able to convert money into energy. Manage your tariffs often and carefully. Tariff Management is a system critical permission; at least one person must have this permission at all times. Please run report 87, System User with Permission and check for users with perm = 'tariffs' to verify who can manage this portal's tariffs.
To add a tariff, a user with the correct permission just need to click on the Cogs icon, go to Billing, Tariffs, and then click on Add Tariff.
This simple interface is a critical step in getting a production system running. Additional information about tariffs is available under Tariff Management Conceptual Breakdown.
When finished Click Add Tariff.
After clicking Add Tariff Juice will take you to the Overview for the new Tariff. Please review and edit tariff if needed. Adding a future tariff is normally the best way to update a tariff.
Returning to the Tariff Management screen to give a final review is always a good idea. Notice the Tariff just created is using the Tariff Muni fields to be listed as a Chattanooga tariff. This does not impact how the tariff is applied, it will give a helpful reminder to users of where the tariff belongs.
To keep things tidy, Juice keeps more advanced options in Cogs. Click the Cogs icon and then find the Tariffs link under Financials to manage Tariffs.
During implementation the specific utility tariff structure will be reviewed and tested. Juice is designed to handle the more common tariff configurations; however modifications necessary to address any unusual tariff structures will be made in advance of deployment. Note: Within Juice, a tariff incorporates all standard charges affecting a class of consumer (including kWh, fuel, and standard charges). The specific setup is addressed in the Juice As-Installed documentation provided separately.
Tariffs are overwhelming at first, but once you have a grasp of what each item does managing tariffs becomes much easier.
It's important to note that ranges and start units can lead to confusion. If a tariff has a tier with a range of 0-50 and one from 51 - 100 the start units are B1 at 0 and B2 at 51.
If you have another tariff that's a different rate for usage over 100 kWh the correct start units are 0 and 101, not 0 and 100.
If you have a third tariff that's billing everyone under 50 kWh at a different rate then the correct start units are 0 and 50.
To Manage the tariff, click the name in the Tariff Management screen. The tariff is composed of tiers; the management of the tariff really comes down to maintaining tiers in place to accurately bill the customer. It's CRITICAL to note the tariffs are managed in advance. Editing Current Tariffs makes an immediate change to all system operations. It should only be done in emergencies when an error has been made.
Once you're ready to move forward click the add button.
Once you have clicked the add button, you will see the tariff edit/add screen. Normally the start date would be later then today. Be careful when clicking the tariff and tier drop down menus, this can add a tier to a different tariff or a different type of tier than intended.
Future tariffs will be automatically made live when the start date is now or earlier. Verify the start date before clicking Save. Most of the time, you will only be adding or changing a fuel charge (Tier A). Expire a tariff by replacing it with a more recent one.
Since the idea is that the tariff will reflect the cost of doing business, getting all customers to pay the same for fuel makes the most sense. To make managing several tariffs simple Juice has one interface to update or increment the fuel charges system wide. This is the exception to the rule "Do NOT edit current tariffs."
The interface gives you two simple options:
*These changes will ONLY affect tariffs that have a fuel charge tier.